
Вышел очередной выпуск журнала Theory, Culture & Society, Том 28, № 3

2011-05-18 01:35:00

Вышел очередной номер журнала Theory, Culture & Society.

Table of Contents, Vol. 28, No. 3


Biology, Contingency and the Problem of Racism in Feminist Discourse
Claire Peta Blencowe
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 3-27

Saba Mahmood and Anthropological Feminism After Virtue
Sindre Bangstad
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 28-54

Cosmopolitics and the Subaltern: Problematizing Latour’s Idea of the Commons
Matthew C. Watson
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 55-79

Sacred Sociology: The Life and Times of Philip Rieff
Charles Turner
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 80-105

The Political Theology of Consumer Sovereignty: Towards an Ontology of Consumer Society
Stefan Schwarzkopf
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 106-129


The Role of the Intellectual in Liquid Modernity: An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman
Simon Dawes
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 130-148

Review Article

Many Renaissances, Many Modernities?: Jack Goody, Renaissances: The One or the Many? (Cambridge University Press, 2010); The Eurasian Miracle (Polity Press, 2010)
Jan Nederveen Pieterse
Theory, Culture & Society 2011;28 149-160

Ключевые слова: научные журналы

Журнал "Социологическое обозрение"
Москва, ул. Ст. Басманная, д. 21/4, стр. 1, А-205.
Зам. главного редактора: Марина Пугачева

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