Author introduces the following translation and briefly discusses the theoretical problems of Munch’s approach. |
Translation of the third chapter from the third volume of Richard Munch's Sociological Theory contains short exposition of renewed version of neofunctionalist approach. This version is worth paying attention of those who are interested in search for conceptual means of understanding of reasons and mechanisms of transformations of contemporary societies. Politics as a social process and theory of social change are core issues considered in this text. |
In the second part of his essay on Max Weber’s theory of rationalization (see the previous issue for beginning) J. Habermas shows that the background of Weber’s theory of rationalization is the neokantian philosophy of values with the help of which Weber analyses a process of religious-metaphysical disenchantment of the worldviews as a result of differentiation of the cultural value spheres. This theoretical perspective allows Weber to conduct his analysis simultaneously on two levels: first, from the point of view of universal-historic emergence of modern structures of consciousness; second, from the point of view of embodiment of these structures of rationality in social institutions. Habermas makes a systematic attempts to reconstruct a complex connections between these two levels emphasizing that the logic of Weber’s historical-empirical analysis of the process of disenchantment of the religious worldviews can be adequately grasped on the basis of constitutive meaning of the philosophical concept “values embodiment.” For this purpose, Habermas reveals two main restrictions of this analysis. First, the consideration of the rationalization of worldviews only in the ethical aspect (from the perspective of the emergence of modern conceptions of law and morals) without taking into account the transformation of cognitive and expressive components (i.e. changes in the modern science and art). Second, the reconstruction of the history of the emergence of conceptions of law and morals not from the point of view of the structures of religious ethics as a whole, but on the basis of the concrete historical form — capitalistic economic ethics. |
A peculiar method often used in sociological practice – methodological irony – is discussed in the present paper. The idea of the method is that sociologist substitutes everyday world of actor for the world of objective possibilities, which are available only to sociological investigation. Finally with the help of this method sociologists get a specific representation of social reality corresponding to their methodological preferences. Authors identify four variations of methodological irony: transformation of the frame of reference, enrichment of the everyday, the decipherment of meaning, moral reversals. |
Article is an extract of afterword to forthcoming translation of Carl Shmitt’s Political Romanticism(Praxis Publishing House). This book is the first Schmitt’s writing which attracted mass attention of intellectuals. It contains ideas which he elaborated whole his scientific career. However it is impossible to understand Political Romanticismwithout proper context – both of epoch and of intellectual and political biography of Schmitt. Before he started criticizing romanticism Schmitt goes through the enthusiasm with romanticism. This enthusiasm of young jurist is a key issue of this extract. |
Glossary (1947-1968) occupies a specific place among diary notes of Carl Schnitt. Notes made in 1947-1961 are considered by publishers substantially valuable. In 1952-1958 records have become poor and the majority of them are composed from the press cutting with illegible stenographic commentaries. In 1991 Eberhard Freiherr von Medem published Glossary, that is the most interesting and valuable part was published in Duncker & Humblot. The book drew a wide response and became irreplaceable origin for all who are interested in Schmitt. Starting with this issue we are going to publish selections of Schmitt’s records of various volumes which do not always fit together. In our opinion they are both of historical and theoretical interest. |
Book reviews
Review is devoted to the recently translated into Ukrainian book by Michel Onfrey Traite d'atheologie. The peculiarities of the work done by philosopher in his critique of monotheism are discussed within the background of his political and philosophical views and also within the context of contemporary debates on religion. |
With regard to the analysis of main events of her life, topics and heroes of her prose and diaries review attempts to reconstruct poet Barkova’s political and philosophical worldview for which Machiavelli and image of Faust were peculiar reference points for understanding of alternative ways of human history. |
Monograph devoted to institutional and social transformations of Russian village in the last decades is reviewed. The transformation process which occurred in the agrarian sector in 1990-2000 within the diversity and the phenomenon of abandoned villages are discussed. Proof of post-crisis model of agrarian development is given. |
Papers and essays
Paper analyzes the crisis of contemporary positivist geography. Substantial and logical controversies of geographical determinism are discussed. Author investigates the notions of place, image of territory, geographical image within the context of imaginative and human geographies. In order to overcome the crisis of contemporary geography author introduces the notions of co-spatiality and geo-spatiality. |