
About the Journal

Russian Sociological Review is an academic peer-reviewed journal of theoretical, empirical and historical research in social sciences. 

Russian Sociological Review publishes four issues per year. Each issue includes original research papers, review articles and translations of contemporary and classical works in sociology, political theory and social philosophy.

History of the Journal

Established in 2001 with the support of the National Training Foundation and Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Review has become one of the major academic forums that publishes papers of various academic genres. During 2001–2006 the Review published primarily translations and review articles, and since 2006 it highly welcomes original research papers as well.

Since 2006 the journal has been published with the support of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


  1. To provide a forum for conceptual and empirically-informed debates on fundamental issues of academic scholarship in social sciences.
  2. To foster developments in social sciences by enriching theoretical language and vocabulary of social science and encourage a cross-disciplinary dialogue.
  3. To provide educational materials for the university-based scholars in order to advance teaching in social sciences. 

Scope and Topics

Russian Sociological Review invites scholars from all the social scientific disciplines to submit papers which address the fundamental issues of social sciences from various conceptual and methodological perspectives. Understood broadly the fundamental issues include but not limited to: social action and agency, social order, narrative, space and time, mobilities, power, etc.

Russian Sociological Review covers the following domains of scholarship:

  • Contemporary and classical social theory
  • Theories of social order and social action
  • Social methodology
  • History of sociology
  • Russian social theory
  • Sociology of space
  • Sociology of mobilities
  • Social interaction
  • Frame analysis
  • Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
  • Cultural sociology
  • Political sociology, philosophy and theory
  • Narrative theory and analysis
  • Human geography and urban studies

 Audience/Readership & Subscription

Russian Sociological Review aims at both academic and non-academic audiences interested in the fundamental issues of social sciences. Its readership includes both junior and established scholars.

Russian Sociological Review is an open access electronic journal and is available online for free via http://sociologica.hse.ru/en.

The Russian Sociological Review
Office A-205
21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 1
Deputy Editor: Marina Pugacheva
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