Replaying to criticism Schmitt depicts the main features of parliamentarism as spiritual and political phenomenon, he demonstrates its historically determined character and makes the supposition that it has already exhausted itself, if not in the current political life, then in the principal at least. The liberal parliamentarism, based on individualism, is not identical with democracy, which entails the homogeneity of the nation, whereas the grounds and ways of homogeneity's realization could vary in great deal. |
Carl Schmitt’s work «The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of Jus Publicum Europaeum» is strikingly modern with its postmodernist analysis of space and its anti-Americanism. But the most important is Schmitt’s philosophy of history of nomos tied with consideration of concepts of delimitation of spheres of law and lawlessness. |
В статье на материале второй Войны в Заливе делается сопоставление концептов государства из работы Ж.Делеза и Ф.Гваттари «Тысяча плато» и «Номосе земли» К.Шмитта. Анализируя соотношение пар сильное/слабое государство и оседлое/кочевое, автор приходит к выводу о продуктивной роли новой формы Jus Publicum Europaeum в конституировании мирового порядка и непродуктивности концептов, предложенных Делезом и Гватттари. |
The summary deals with the recently published (May 2009) book on the political myth in Carl Schmitt' works. The team of the authors, with a great deal of criticism towards Schmitt, tend to infer his cryptonacism out of the preconception of the political myth. The summary traces in details the strong and week sides of such an approach. |
The article is the afterword to the Russian edition of Carl Schmitt's book Der Nomos der Erde. Im Voelkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum. The point of the article is to depict the history and the biographical circumstances of the book creation, as well as to point out the problem of freedom so unexpectedly appearing with late Schmitt. |
Review essays
The current paper is concerned with different concepts of physical objects in scientific practice and particularly of interaction with measuring devices. We study how G.H.Mead and M.Heidegger describe interaction with material things and how these approaches could be integrated in social studies of scientific practice. |
The overview is devoted to the UK-Ireland Society for Ricoeur Studies conference, held at the University of Kent. The author tells about the main discussion topics of the sessions, the specificity of the Society's activities and the peculiarities of theoretical communication. |
Papers and essays
The contemporary sociologists' views on such issues as social identification diffusion, marginalization and decadence of national states are the subject of a current paper. Author's point of view is a bit unusual: all the above-mentioned processes are analyzed as consequences of movement in a physical space; however, the movement is no doubt a social fact (but not geographic or physical). The order of sociologists' positions examining is logical: first examined author is Zygmunt Bauman, whose works unveil the most abstract and ontological foundations of the marginalization process. Anthony Giddens and Ulrich Beck are the next: the level of their theoretical constructions is a bit more grounded. The paper is finalized with the John Urry's views analysis: his mobile sociology is crucial in the frame of current topic, however, theoretically distant from previous sociologists. |
The paper discusses the possibility of understanding of the meaning (Sinn) in social science. This problem is exposed by analyzing sociological determinism in theory of suicide. Is it possible for sociology to follow Durkheim's plea and renounce the task of interpretation of meaning? We argue that this strategy runs counter philosophical-anthropological claims of durkheimian sociology. Consistent determinism can get rid of the intentional component of suicide only at the cost of admitting formal impossibility of suicide. This theoretical solution appears to be extremely influential in epistemology of social science. But unfolding of this logic leads to the necessity of justifying reflexive cognition, which, in turn, is impossible without rethinking suicide. The paper shows that although the task of interpretation of meaning is unavoidable for the epistemology, it should at the same time abandon the claims on understanding the meaning. An alternative conception of cognition in social science demands that the emphasis should be put on the experience of suicide. |
In memoriam
In this article I examine the extraordinary biography of Sir Ralf Dahrendorf. The cohesion between society and freedom was a crucial theme in all his works. He was deeply convinced that the equilibrium theories were unable to describe the characteristics of social reality. On the contrary, conflict theory is more appropriate to explain the development of society. According to Dahrendorf, the idea of regulation of conflicts is a key feature in a liberal democracy. |