Alexey Gusev 1
Modern underclass theories and Chicago School marginality concepts: theoretical comparison
vol. 5,
No. 1,
pp. 102–113
[issue contents]
Current article includes comparative analysis of contemporary lower strata studies and classical Chicago school studies devoted to the same topic. In the beginning contemporary underclass concepts are examined: their sources, key theoretical constructions, explanations of this strata existence. Direct comparison with Chicago scholars’ standpoints based on four key parameters: welfare programs interdependence; emphasis on race and ethnic minorities’ problems; “inner city” territorial isolation; disposition towards deviation. Another important idea of the whole article is principal similarity of theoretical tasks through different epochs regardless historical differences of the empiric object.
Chicago school;
inner cities;
ethnic minorities;
welfare state
Gusev Alexey (2006) Anderklass i marginal'nost': sravnitel'nyy analiz sovremennykh teoriy i Chikagskoy kontseptsii [Modern underclass theories and Chicago School marginality concepts: theoretical comparison] The Russian Sociological Review, 1, pp. 102-113 (in Russian)