Benno Werlen 1 (Transl. by: Svetlana Ban'kovskaya 2 )
The objective perspective
vol. 2,
No. 4,
pp. 3–24
[issue contents]
This is the Russian version of the third chapter from the book "Society action and space." by famous Swiss social geographer and theorist Benno Verlaine. In this chapter, the author examines the grounds and the reverberation of objectivism in the social sciences and starts with Popper's critical rationalism. First of all, the author refers to the criticism of inductive interpretation of everyday actions in Popper theory and then takes up the main principles of the research from the critical realism point of view. Next he examines Popper theory of "three worlds" and correlates it with a critical analysis of rational action. Author completes the analysis of Popper's concept and its methodological consequences with a statement of the paradox - the structural functionalists, sociologists and geographers-positivists and neo-determinists stating that the study of the social sciences should be based on "the Popper’s epistemology” 'turn to non-existent Popper - striking an unintended consequence of the intentions of Popper.
Werlen B. (2002) Ob"ektivizm Poppera i metod kriticheskogo ratsionalizma [The objective perspective]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 3-24 (in Russian)