
Dmitri Zamiatin

Post-City (II): Cartographies of Imaginaton and Co-spatiality Politics

2019, vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 9–35 [issue contents]
From a methodological standpoint, a comprehensive study of post-urbanism implies a cognitive fixation of any spatial event as co-spatial. We can talk about the co-existence of different cognitive/ontological regimes in the post-urban reality, which themselves can also be called co-spatial. Co-spatialities, understood as communicative event nodes, can be considered as key elements in a prototypical imagination map of post-urban space. Post-urban geo-cultures, producing a variety of cartographies of the imagination, are fundamentally heterotopic. Different communities become post-urban in forming their transversal cartographies of the imagination, constantly proliferate, become more and more co-spatial and, consequently, generate this post-politics which is aimed at accelerating a multiple dispersion of communicative events. Post-urban communities create post-political situations in which the cartographies of the imagination becomes the bases of new urban landscapes or new geo-cultures. The post-city develops practices and processes of hetero-textuality when the texts of individual geo-cultures do not assume a common space of reading, a plan of value, or a plan of expression, and only comes into existence in terms of consistent landscape modulations immanent to imaginary cartographies. Any post-city cartography of imagination supports special landscape modes which create the realities of material and mental character. Any cartography of imagination can be thought of phenomenologically as the line becomes a particular identity of individuals and communities. Post-nomadic mobilities lead to the coexistence of multitudes of such cartographies whose event co-spatialities create a post-political communities, and manipulate differences of the “velocity” of multiple communicative discourses. The creation of new cartographies of imagination forms post-urbanism as an art of detailed co-spatialities.
Citation: Zamiatin D. (2019) Postgorod (II): voobrazhaemye kartografii i politiki soprostranstvennosti [Post-City (II): Cartographies of Imaginaton and Co-spatiality Politics]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 9-35 (in Russian)
The Russian Sociological Review
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