Nikolay Emelyanov 1, Greg Yudin 2, 3
Structural Position of the Priest in Gift-Exchange Systems
vol. 17,
No. 3,
pp. 9–29
[issue contents]
In this paper, we argue that the priest has a unique structural position to initiate and promote gift exchange. Gift exchange is an important mode of economic integration, one that prevents both cutthroat competition and a parasitic dependence on a centralized hierarchy. In dwelling on gift exchange theory, we demonstrate why the promotion of gifts is largely suppressed nowadays: Marcel Mauss’ second imperative of the gift, that is, the obligation to receive gifts, becomes inoperative under neoliberal capitalism. We rely on Marshall Sahlins’ and Chris Gregory’s analyses to argue that gift giving can be de-blocked by introducing the position of the ‘excluded participant’ who takes part in the gift exchange system but is known to have no self-interest. His presence enables other participants to accept gifts without being afraid of falling into personal bondage. We analyze the Christian theological ideas of the function of the priest in reaching the conclusion that priests are predisposed to take the position of the ‘excluded participant’. On one hand, the priest in persona Christi acts neither on his own behalf nor for his own self-interest, while on the other hand, he remains a member and governor of the community. Historical sources confirm that generating the gift exchange has always been the key activity of priests in Christian communities.
Emelyanov N., Yudin G. (2018) Strukturnaya pozitsiya svyashchennika v sistemakh daroobmena [Structural Position of the Priest in Gift-Exchange Systems]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 17, no 3, pp. 9-29 (in Russian)