Aleksander Suvalko 1
Review: Hermann Lübbe, V nogu so vremenem: sokrashhennoe prebyvanie v nastojashhem [In Step with Time: The Abridged Presence in the Present] (Moscow: HSE, 2016) (in Russian)
vol. 16,
No. 2,
pp. 360–365
[issue contents]
Review: Hermann Lübbe, V nogu so vremenem: sokrashhennoe prebyvanie v nastojashhem [In Step with Time: The Abridged Presence in the Present] (Moscow: HSE, 2016) (in Russian)
Suvalko A. (2017) Lyubbe G. (2016). V nogu so vremenem: sokrashchennoe prebyvanie v nastoyashchem / Per. s nem. A. B. Grigor'eva I V. A. Kurennogo pod nauch. red. V. A. Kurennogo. M.: NIU VShE. 456 S. ISBN 978-5-7598-0839-8 [Review: Hermann Lübbe, V nogu so vremenem: sokrashhennoe prebyvanie v nastojashhem [In Step with Time: The Abridged Presence in the Present] (Moscow: HSE, 2016) (in Russian)]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 16, no 2, pp. 360-365 (in Russian)