Oleg Boguslavsky 1
From Macrohistory to Historical Macrosociology: Toward the Heuristics of the New Research Approach
vol. 16,
No. 2,
pp. 348–353
[issue contents]
Review: Sergey Sergeev, Russkaja nacija, ili Rasskaz ob istorii ee otsutstvija [Russian Nation; or, The Narrative of the History of Its Absence] (Moscow: Centrpoligraf, 2017) (in Russian).
Boguslavsky O. (2017) Ot makroistorii — k istoricheskoy makrosotsiologii: k evristike novogo issledovatel'skogo napravleniya [From Macrohistory to Historical Macrosociology: Toward the Heuristics of the New Research Approach]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 16, no 2, pp. 348-353 (in Russian)