Olga Simonova 1
Always Timely Classics: The History of Sociological Ideas, Professionalism in Sociology, and the Major Problems of Sociological Theory
vol. 15,
No. 2,
pp. 250–258
[issue contents]
Review: Alexander Gofman, Traditsiya, solidarnost' i sotsiologicheskaya teoriya: izbrannye teksty [Tradition, Solidarity, and Sociological Theory: Selected Texts] (Moscow: The New Chronograph, 2015) (in Russian).
Simonova O. (2016) Vsegda aktual'naya klassika: ob istorii sotsiologicheskikh idey, professionalizme v sotsiologii i glavnykh problemakh sotsiologicheskoy teorii [Always Timely Classics: The History of Sociological Ideas, Professionalism in Sociology, and the Major Problems of Sociological Theory]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 15, no 2, pp. 250-258 (in Russian)