Viktor Vakhshtayn 1
Analysis of Voting Frames. Essay on the Organization of Electoral Experience
vol. 10,
No. 1-2,
pp. 114–136
[issue contents]
The paper is a frame-analytical generalization of the observations made by the author at the polling stations in Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2005–2007). The paper considers a mechanics of the electoral activity transformation: the remaking of voting into “consecration”, “carnival” and “fake”. With the help of some theoretical arguments author tries to show how the study of the structures of face-to-face interaction allows to rethink a models of electoral conduct conventional in contemporary political studies.
Vakhshtayn Viktor Semenovich (2011) Analiz freymov golosovaniya. Esse ob organizatsii elektoral'nogo opyta [Analysis of Voting Frames. Essay on the Organization of Electoral Experience] The Russian Sociological Review, 1-2, pp. 114-136 (in Russian)