
Nail Farkhatdinov 1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

“Culture and Method.” One More Product of Cultural Sociological Factory

2010, vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 118–123 [issue contents]
The book under consideration (Meaning and Method: The Cultural Approach to Sociology / ed. by I. Reed and J. C. Alexander. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2009) is a collection of papers published by Yale school of cultural sociology. The book attempts to provide methodological grounds of cultural sociology. It is argued that, while theoretically strong program is declared as a relevant framework, empirical research still inclines to so-called weak program of sociology of culture.
Citation: Farkhatdinov Nail Galimkhanovich (2010) «Kul'tura i metod». Ob ocherednom produkte kul'tursotsiologicheskoy fabriki [“Culture and Method.” One More Product of Cultural Sociological Factory] The Russian Sociological Review, 2, pp. 118-123 (in Russian)
The Russian Sociological Review
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Deputy Editor: Marina Pugacheva
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