
Tatyana Tyagunova 1
  • 1 Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, 31 1 Franckeplatz, Halle, 06110, Germany

Seeing ethnophenomenologically

2009, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 86–99 [issue contents]
An attempt made in the paper is to look at everydayness from the empirical perspective on the basis of Alfred Schutz's conceptualizations of ordinary reality - in accordance to how it is practiced. The consequence of this empirical view is a reconceptualization of the notion of everydayness - everydayness is now considered not as an attribute of the ordinary lifeworld as a «finite province of meaning», but as a formal feature of every social practice, which, in turn, requires a change in research attitude. 
Citation: Tyagunova Tatyana (2009) Smotret' etnofenomenologicheski [] The Russian Sociological Review, 1, pp. 86-99 (in Russian)
The Russian Sociological Review
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