
Nikita Kharlamov 1
  • 1 Aalborg University, 3 Kroghstraede, Ольборг, 9220, Denmark

John Rennie Short (2006): Urban Theory: A Critical Assessment (Review)

2007, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 60–63 [issue contents]

The reviewed book presents a critical overview of current urban theory. The author covers historical development of urban theory (distinguishing between theorizing modern city and theorizing postmodern city), and makes a subject overview, including topics such as "Globalization and the City", "Gendered City", etc. The review  puts the book in context of existing attempts to structure and codify urban theory, outlines the main points and structure of the book, and critically discusses several facets of the book, including the author's attempts to define "the urban".
city, urban theory, modern city, postmodern city, codification

Citation: Kharlamov Nikita (2007) Dzh. R. Short. Teoriya goroda: kriticheskaya otsenka. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 [John Rennie Short (2006): Urban Theory: A Critical Assessment (Review)] The Russian Sociological Review, 3, pp. 60-63 (in Russian)
The Russian Sociological Review
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Deputy Editor: Marina Pugacheva
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