Vladimir Popov 1
Biel R. The Interplay between Social and Environmental Degradation in the Development of the International Political Economy
vol. 5,
No. 1,
pp. 63–68
[issue contents]
In the paper capitalism as a dissipative system is considered. Capitalism development for the account of the strengthened exploitation of the ecosystem has reached a limit. The further evolution of capitalism is possible only by change of the social world. Objects of change become a control system of the social capital in economy and a civil society. There will be a decrease in social and economic potential, reduction of the international economic relations and refusal of pluralism in politics.
Popov Vladimir Anatol'evich (2006) Robert Bayl. Sootnoshenie mezhdu degradatsiey sotsial'nogo mira i okruzhayushchey sredy v evolyutsii mezhdunarodnoy politekonomii [Biel R. The Interplay between Social and Environmental Degradation in the Development of the International Political Economy] The Russian Sociological Review, 1, pp. 63-68 (in Russian)