@ARTICLE{27043461_861772991_2023, author = {Maxim Miroshnichenko}, keywords = {}, title = {Trembling Flesh, Metabolic Techniques}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2023}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {356-367}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2023-22-3/861772991.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Book Review: Shildrick M. (2023). Visceral Prostheses: Somatechnics and Posthuman Embodiment. London, New York, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic. — 272 p. ISBN 9781350176492}, annote = {Book Review: Shildrick M. (2023). Visceral Prostheses: Somatechnics and Posthuman Embodiment. London, New York, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic. — 272 p. ISBN 9781350176492} }