@ARTICLE{27043461_147275690_2015, author = {Alexander Kondakov}, keywords = {}, title = {The Map of the Sociology of Law}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2015}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {286-290}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2015-14-1/147275690.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Review: Pravo i pravoprimenenie v zerkale social'nyh nauk: hrestomatija sovremennyh tekstov[Law and Law Enforcement in the Mirror of Social Sciences: The Handbook of Recent Texts] edited by Ella Paneyakh (Moscow: Statut, 2014) (in Russian)}, annote = {Review: Pravo i pravoprimenenie v zerkale social'nyh nauk: hrestomatija sovremennyh tekstov[Law and Law Enforcement in the Mirror of Social Sciences: The Handbook of Recent Texts] edited by Ella Paneyakh (Moscow: Statut, 2014) (in Russian)} }