@ARTICLE{27043461_27411289_2010, author = {Dmitri Zamiatin}, keywords = {, imaginative geography, geography, geographical space, geographical determinism, place, landscape, geographical image, co-spatiality, geo-spatiality, humanitarian geographygeographical image}, title = {On the Notion of Geography}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2010}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {93-107}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2010-9-1/27411289.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Paper analyzes the crisis of contemporary positivist geography. Substantial and logical controversies of geographical determinism are discussed. Author investigates the notions of place, image of territory, geographical image within the context of imaginative and human geographies. In order to overcome the crisis of contemporary geography author introduces the notions of co-spatiality and geo-spatiality.}, annote = {Paper analyzes the crisis of contemporary positivist geography. Substantial and logical controversies of geographical determinism are discussed. Author investigates the notions of place, image of territory, geographical image within the context of imaginative and human geographies. In order to overcome the crisis of contemporary geography author introduces the notions of co-spatiality and geo-spatiality.} }