@ARTICLE{27043461_28141770_2009, author = {Carl Schmitt}, keywords = {, Volk (people), Carl Schmitt, liberalism, fascism, power, parlamentarsim, democracy, Rousseau, Montesquieu, party, bolshevismdictatorship}, title = {The Historical and Spiritual State of Modern Parliamentarism. Tentative remarks. (On the counter position of parliamentarism and democracy)}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2009}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {6-16}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2009-8-2/28141770.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Replaying to criticism Schmitt depicts the main features of parliamentarism as spiritual and political phenomenon, he demonstrates its historically determined character and makes the supposition that it has already exhausted itself, if not in the current political life, then in the principal at least. The liberal parliamentarism, based on individualism, is not identical with democracy, which entails the homogeneity of the nation, whereas the grounds and ways of homogeneity's realization could vary in great deal.}, annote = {Replaying to criticism Schmitt depicts the main features of parliamentarism as spiritual and political phenomenon, he demonstrates its historically determined character and makes the supposition that it has already exhausted itself, if not in the current political life, then in the principal at least. The liberal parliamentarism, based on individualism, is not identical with democracy, which entails the homogeneity of the nation, whereas the grounds and ways of homogeneity's realization could vary in great deal.} }