@ARTICLE{27043461_28122499_2008, author = {Giorgio Agamben}, keywords = {, cesura, unique, manner, whatever, aureoleTiananmen}, title = {Chapters from The Coming Community}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2008}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {47-54}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2008-7-2/28122499.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In the introduced fragments of the book by famous Italian philosopher G. Agamben some key symbolic figures of modernity or rather postmodern which are brought into a focus of sociality are considered. Because of his non-classical approach originally developing concepts of «waste» by G. Bataille and «inoperative community» by J.-L. Nancy, Agamben succeeds to show the necessity of radical de-ontologization of general clenches of social contemporaneity - «body», «language», «community», as a way of its shared re-reading. Re-reading within the community. The sketch of such a re-reading is proposed in the book.}, annote = {In the introduced fragments of the book by famous Italian philosopher G. Agamben some key symbolic figures of modernity or rather postmodern which are brought into a focus of sociality are considered. Because of his non-classical approach originally developing concepts of «waste» by G. Bataille and «inoperative community» by J.-L. Nancy, Agamben succeeds to show the necessity of radical de-ontologization of general clenches of social contemporaneity - «body», «language», «community», as a way of its shared re-reading. Re-reading within the community. The sketch of such a re-reading is proposed in the book.} }