@ARTICLE{27043461_28146095_2002, author = {Edward Said}, keywords = {, interpretation, Orientalism, islam, symbolidentity}, title = {Orientalism. Afterwords to the 1995 edition}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2002}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {33-48}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2002-2-4/28146095.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The book "Orientalism" was finished in the end of 1977 and was published one year after. "Orientalism" got a lot of comments, which were partly hostile and partly irrelevant, however, the majority of them were positive and even delighted. "Orientalism" was written in the Borhes’s spirit and due to this it transformed from one book to many. I wanted to discuss here this strange and disturbing diversity of followed versions of "Orientalism". Certainly, I will try to correct wrong readings of this book and its false interpretations.}, annote = {The book "Orientalism" was finished in the end of 1977 and was published one year after. "Orientalism" got a lot of comments, which were partly hostile and partly irrelevant, however, the majority of them were positive and even delighted. "Orientalism" was written in the Borhes’s spirit and due to this it transformed from one book to many. I wanted to discuss here this strange and disturbing diversity of followed versions of "Orientalism". Certainly, I will try to correct wrong readings of this book and its false interpretations.} }