@ARTICLE{27043461_28144781_2002, author = {Valentina Fedotova}, keywords = {, reforms, transformations, «the third path», political centrismpolitical space}, title = {European “third path” and its symbolical meaning for Russia and other counties}, journal = {The Russian Sociological Review}, year = {2002}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {3-18}, url = {https://sociologica.hse.ru/en/2002-2-1/28144781.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {During the last decade Russia has gone through a tough process of reforming. To a large extent the difficulties of this process are strongly connected with serious social transformations in the world, which make classical schemes of modernization unacceptable. Today a lot of foreign counties choose "the third path" of development. The new interpretation of modernization is suggested in this choice and an attempt to overcome the opposition of left and right forces is undertaking. Political centrism is becoming the symbol of our time, which reconstructs social and political space. }, annote = {During the last decade Russia has gone through a tough process of reforming. To a large extent the difficulties of this process are strongly connected with serious social transformations in the world, which make classical schemes of modernization unacceptable. Today a lot of foreign counties choose "the third path" of development. The new interpretation of modernization is suggested in this choice and an attempt to overcome the opposition of left and right forces is undertaking. Political centrism is becoming the symbol of our time, which reconstructs social and political space. } }